T. Rupkus (England)

Company History
Foundation of Beyond History with company seat in Andrea Bentschneider’s own
apartment in Hamburg-Eppendorf.
First lecture on "Ahnenforschung, Namensforschung, Auswanderung" (Genealogy, onomastics, emigration) at the Professional Women's Forum (PWF) in Hamburg.
Beginning of the cooperation with Ancestry Germany.
Beginning of the cooperation with a film production company from Hamburg with a consultation on the realization of a German version of the BBC series "Who Do You Think You Are?". First preliminary researches on German celebrities start.
Andrea Bentschneider is joined by her husband Ralf Stullich. Beyond History is now officially a family business.
First researches on German ancestors of Australian celebrities for the Australian adaptation of "Who Do You Think You Are?". Followed by many years of a great cooperation. Highlights were filming with Ben Mendelsohn (episode aired in October 2009), Maggie Beer (episode aired in October 2009) and Geoffrey Rush (episode aired in August 2015).
Andrea Bentschneider’s Blog “Abenteuer Ahnenforschung” (in German) goes online. It is one of the first genealogy blogs in Germany.
Filming with Kurt and Armin Rohde in Danzig and surroundings for the ARD series "Das Geheimnis meiner Familie" (The Secret of My Family).
Filming in Munich and Lower Bavaria with Christine Neubauer for the ARD series "Das Geheimnis meiner Familie" (The Secret of My Family).
Broadcasting of the ARD series "Das Geheimnis meiner Familie" (The Secret of My Family).
Portrait in the German TV Show “Vivo” on 3sat.
We are pleased to welcome our 500th client.
Relocation of our offices to Knauerstraße 11, 20249 Hamburg-Eppendorf.
First researches on German ancestors of American celebrities for the US adaptation of "Who Do You Think You Are?". Followed by many years of a pleasant cooperation with many exciting projects. Highlights were filming with Chelsea Handler (episode aired in August 2013), and research projects on the ancestors of amongst others Josh Groban (episode aired in March 2015), Bryan Cranston (episode aired in August 2015) and Liv Tyler (episode aired in April 2017).
We are pleased to welcome our 750th client.
Presentation of a family history that was researched by Beyond History at “Deutschland - Deine Familien” (Germany - Your Families) on ZDF and ZDFinfo.
Relocation of our offices to Cheruskerweg 1, 22525 Hamburg-Stellingen.
Beyond History supports the 16th Blauer Ball (Blue Ball) for the benefit of the children’s cancer ward at UKE (University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf) with a gift certificate for a genealogical research.
From now on, Beyond History supports the Ronald McDonald house in Hamburg-Eppendorf regularly by active participation in the "Wrap for children" advent celebration for children that have to spend christmas at the UKE or at a women's shelter in Hamburg.
We are pleased to welcome our 1000th client.
Beyond History celebrates its 10th anniversary.
On the occasion of our 10th anniversary, our new website goes online.
The official Beyond History blog starts on our website.
Beyond History again donates a main prize for the 19th Blauer Ball (Blue Ball) in the form of a gift certificate for a genealogical research.
We are pleased to welcome our 1250th client.
Great article at the German newspaper "Hamburger Abendblatt" on Beyond History.
Ending of our cooperation with ancestry.
Beyond History supports the purchase of a new animal trailer for Hagenbeck's zoo in Hamburg.
Live radio broadcast on the German radio station Deutschlandfunk.
Portrait in the German TV show "DAS!" on NDR.
Live appearance at "Live nach neun" on ARD with Isabel Varell and Tim Schreder.
Live appearance at "Mein Nachmittag" on NDR with Kristina Lüdke and Arne Jessen.
Live appearance at "ARD Buffet" on ARD with Fatma Mittler-Solak.
Andrea Bentschneider gives the first Webinar in German on Legacy Family Tree Webinars (MyHeritage): "Auswanderung aus Deutschland in die weite Welt – Ursachen, Umstände und Zeugnisse.“ (Emigration from Germany into the Worl - Causes, Circumstances and Certificates).
Participation in the "International German Genealogy Conference 2019" in Sacramento, California. Andrea Bentschneider gives three lectures on the topics "Emigration from Hamburg and Bremen in the 19th Century – Causes, Conditions, and Certificates", "Leaving a Paper Trail: German Sources Besides Church Documents and Civil Records" and "Finding Living Relatives of Your Emigrant Ancestors from Germany Today".
Webinar in German on Legacy Family Tree Webinars (MyHeritage): "Ahnenforschung für Anfänger" (Genealogy for Beginners).
Second part of the MyHeritage webinar "Ahnenforschung für Anfänger" (Genealogy for Beginners).
Andrea Bentschneider, as the only speaker from Germany, gives a webinar as part of “The 24-Hour Genealogy Webinar Marathon” hosted by Legacy Family Tree Webinars and MyHeritage.
The COVID-19 pandemic also affects the work of Beyond History. Archives are closed and the team is working from home. Thank you for your great support in this challenging time!
Andrea Bentschneider answers questions live on Facebook as part of the Facebook Live Series by MyHeritage.
The book „Walter Ulbricht. Mein Urgroßvater“ (Walter Ulbricht. My great-grandfather) by our client Florian Heyden is published in Germany. We have searched for many years and in various archives worldwide for him in order to find new information on his famous great-grandfather that now became part of this book.
We are pleased to welcome our 1500th client.
The COVID-19 pandemic again influences the research situation in Germany through archive closures.
Andrea Bentschneider gives various webinars and lectures for MyHeritage and varying societies.
Andrea Bentschneider gives a lecture on "Ahnenforschung als Broterwerb: Vom Hobbyforscher zum Berufsgenealogen" ("Genealogy as a living: From beeing a hobby researcher to becoming a professional genealogist") at the German virtual festival Genealogica, which was held for the first time in 2021.
Andrea Bentschneider is once again the only German speaker at "The 24-Hour Genealogy Webinar Marathon" hosted by Legacy Family Tree Webinars and MyHeritage.
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact Beyond History's work. At the beginning of the year, the archives are mostly closed and the team is working mainly from home. Thank you for your great support during this time!
The Beyond History team is working on the Beyond History Academy behind the scenes. In the future, it will provide training opportunities for everyone interested in genealogy.
A three-page interview with Andrea Bentschneider appears in the German magazine SPIEGEL Geschichte (Topic: German Emigrants).
Andrea Bentschneider participates as a speaker at RootsTech 2022 with three video presentations and two live Q&A sessions in front of an audience of nearly 1000.
Beyond History is again represented with a virtual booth at Genealogica and Andrea Bentschneider gives a presentation on “Genealogische Quellen in der Weltstadt Hamburg” (Genealogical sources in the cosmopolitan city of Hamburg).
Andrea Bentschneider gives a presentation on "German Genealogy & German Surnames - A Brief Introduction" at THE Genealogy Show: Spring Event.
First taster seminars of the Beyond History Academy take place.
Our YouTube channel is officially launched.
Beyond History comes of age!